Mp3 - Sin For A Sin (feat. Zak Stevens)

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Mp3 - Sin For A Sin (feat. Zak Stevens)


Grey Haven Media - Sin For A Sin (feat. Zak Stevens)

Original Lyrics/Song Written by Paul Hash - All Music Preformed by Marc Pattison

Vocals by Zak Stevens - Vocals Recorded by Michael Smith

Produced by Wayne Marsala - Mixed/Master by Juan Urteaga of Trident Studio

Recorded in 2015 Mixed in 2020 Released in 2023 by Grey Haven Media ISRC QM-9QC-20-00020

This song is expressing feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, and anger towards God. The lyrics are how one feels invisible and unloved by others, and questions why they should love themselves if no one else does. They feel insignificant and powerless in the face of the vastness of the world and the inevitability of death.

The mention of "praying" is one turning to religion for comfort, but despite their efforts, they are still unable to forget the pain they feel. The line "I'm going to pay him back for an eye for an eye and sin for a sin" is a desire for revenge, as if one feels wronged by God or the world and wants to seek justice.

Overall, this is a reflection on the struggles of life and the difficulty of finding meaning and purpose in the face of adversity. It also touches on themes of forgiveness and redemption, as one ultimately seeks to make peace with themselves and the world.

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